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SirdView by Gary W. Shaw II
These two programs are free and you are able to distribute them freely
as you wish as long as you keep this and all associated files together.
These are in the Public Domain and therefore you are not able to charge
for them in any way. The author of these programs makes no claims as to
completeness, nor does he give any warranty, or claim that they are "Bug
Free" in any way whatsoever. Now with that out of the way...
Hello out there all you SIRDS fans! For those of you that are not
familar with SIRDS( Single Image Random Dot Stereograms) here is
a quick description:
SIRDS are an optical illusion of sorts. They are a 3D image
hidden from plain sight by a random dot pattern. The 3D image
can be seen when your eyes converge to what is known as
Wall-eyed. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but
the most common with programs like this is to put two points
on the screen and then you zone out on the dots untill you
see three dots, the two dots converge in a center dot, and
now there is three. At this point the SIRDS will appear.
Well here is a couple of little programs for the PC that will allow
you to convert PCX pictures to sirds pictures. This is a very limited
utility. It can only work with images that are 640x480x256 color PCX
images. The reason I chose this is because it is a good resolution on
the PC, and it is 72 DPI, which will make it easier for people with
Macs to view sirds also. I will probably write a Mac viewer shortly.
There are two programs included with this package:
SirdView.exe - This is the conversion utility that translates
PCX Images to my raw format (see below for
description). And in this new version it also
outputs a monochrome PCX format.
ViewSird.com - This just displays the raw .srd files.
The SirdView utility may take a while depending on your computer.
It will continuely update the screen after each line with a '.' to
let you know what it is doing. This should be 6 full lines of .'s
for the image. So if your computer is not doing anything and you don't
see anything on the screen at all then chances are your toasted, reboot.
The ViewSird utility will read in a .srd file and display it.
Both programs have help available by type either [program name] /? or
by just typing [program name] without any parameters.
Here is a list of the associated files.
//The main conversion utility
SIRDVIEW.EXE Standard PC version no FP
FP386_SV.EXE Floating Point 386 version
//the viewer
VIEWSIRD.COM Standard raw viewer
//sample images
TEST.SRD Sep 21,1993 08:17:08 38400 Image = "This is a Test."
WEAVE.SRD Oct 10,1993 02:52:36 38400 Image = a wooven pattern
CIRCLES.SRD Sep 21,1993 00:41:48 38400 Image = Circles in a circle
COLORS.SRD Sep 21,1993 23:26:58 38400 Image = DPIIE palette/depth map
RAMP.SRD Sep 22,1993 22:00:32 38400 Image = ramp up from left
NEWMYAN.SRD Sep 22,1993 22:37:54 38400 Image = A Myan pyramid from top
//this file
The program sirdview takes a PCX file and then creates a raw monochrome
*file from that. The file will automatically have the extension .srd
If you have another file with that filename then it WILL be overwritten.
The format for the file is very simple. It is a packed byte of monochrome
pixels. The same way as the monochrome display is laid out. Refer to your
EGA or VGA manuals for info on what this is if you don't know.
The depth information is taken from the PCX input file by the position
each color in the image is in the palette. I.E. color 0 is shallow and
color 255 is deepest. Some paint programs don't display the palette in
the same order, I have included the palette mapping for DPaint II E in
the file "COLORS.SRD" this is a grid of 16x16 boxes drawn in each color.
If you are having problems with figuring out color/depth mapping with
your paint program I suggest you draw a picture similar to this and see
what happens when you display it as a SIRDS.
*NOTE: Now it also outputs a Monochrome PCX file. This file will be
named the same as the input file but with a Dollar sign at the end.
i.e. sirdview myfile.pcx
output: myfile.pc$
This was done so that you can give the new myfile.pc$ a name that
will not overwrite any of your input PCX files. Also because I was
to lazy to write the code to check for a unique name for the output
I will probably be writing some more utilities like this one in the
future if the popularity of SIRDS continues. Also if I get enough
feedback about these I will write more. I am interested to know what
features people are interested in and which platforms are most desired.
I have access to 3 platforms right now so it would have to be one of
those, they are PC,MAC,UNIX. Also is Windows a consideration or not?
If you have any other paint program color/depth mappings send them to
me and I will include them in future updates.
If anyone is interested in putting a front end on this thing let me know
and maybe we can colaborate on it together.
I am a cross platform developer for the PC and Mac platforms for an
entertainment (movie industry) software company. I program mainly in
'C++'. This version was written in 'C' since there wasn't much to it.
If you need to get in touch with me about this or just want to drop
me a line and let me know how bad this thing sucks then I'm at:
garyshaw@netcom.com - Internet address
And remember, don't play with your SIRDS to long...you'll go blind.
Joke, you won't really go blind, I hope.
10/16/93 - Added support to output monochrome PCX files.